Our targets
We establish sustainability performance indicators and targets, and rigorously manage and measure performance across our portfolio.
Carbon emissions
Reduce scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions, on a per square foot basis, by 30% by 2025.
(2015 base year) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Note: Achieved -35% as at Dec 2020, compared to -23% reduction in 2019. Exceptional 2020 market conditions have resulted in this temporary amplified reduction in energy consumption. It is expected, as the market continues to adjust, the reduction in emissions will also fall to a lower year-over-year variance. Data is non-normalized.
Procure electric vehicles for all new Oxford light duty/passenger fleet vehicles.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Net zero carbon
Pilot the CaGBC Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) Standard for two new development projects.
(2020) (Canada, Office)
Achieve CaGBC ZCB Design and Performance Certifications for two new development projects.
(2025) (Canada, Office)
Develop low-carbon playbooks for all major mixed-use development projects.
(2022) (All Regions, Mixed-use)
Renewable energy
Develop 1,000,000 square feet of rooftop solar projects.
(2022) (Canada, Retail/Industrial)
Pilot a rooftop solar project to increase renewable energy generation.
(2020) (US, Office)
Procure 100% renewable electricity.
(2025) (UK, All Asset Classes)
Conduct a renewable energy generation feasibility study for all major renovation and new development projects, where appropriate.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Energy efficiency
Achieve an Energy Star score of 75 for all of our office buildings.
(2021) (Canada/US, Office)
Note: Target achieved by 45% of sites in 2018; sites experienced an overall drop in scores due to Energy Star methodology change; target adjusted to 75 and extended to 2021.
Develop and implement global best practice energy performance standards for all major renovation and new development projects.
(2021) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Implement a system for energy monitoring and management across all assets.
(2020) (Europe, All Asset Classes)
Procure 100% LED lighting.
(2020) (Canada, Hotels)
Energy storage
Pilot an energy storage project that utilizes batteries to reduce peak demand and energy costs.
(2021) (Canada, Office/Retail)
Indoor air quality
Conduct global best practice annual indoor air quality testing and develop action plans where required.
(2020) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Nature & design
Implement a biophilic design project that enhances customer wellbeing and asset productivity.
(2020) (Canada, Office/Retail)
Note: Target year adjusted from 2018 to 2020 due to further exploration with new assets. Target achieved at St. James's Market and to be achieved at St. John’s Terminal (NY).
Customer satisfaction
Conduct periodic customer satisfaction surveys and drive property level continual improvement.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Customer information
Provide building and surrounding area wellbeing information to customers.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Wellbeing certification
Achieve wellbeing certification.
(2021) (All Regions, Office)
Waste diversion
Achieve 75% diversion from landfill & incineration.
(2020) (Canada, Office)
Note: Diversion rates are impacted by the total waste weight and the % of diverted weight. Some trends that impacted diversion rates include: 1) Less weight overall; 2) Less organics and paper products, which make up a high % of total weight; 3) Less recyclable material (office - paper shredding; retail - packaging from stores). Regional variables, such as incineration practices and markets for recyclables also impact and can offset occupancy use trends. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 50% diversion from landfill & incineration.
(2020) (US, Office)
Note: Diversion rates are impacted by the total waste weight and the % of diverted weight. Some trends that impacted diversion rates include: 1) Less weight overall; 2) Less organics and paper products, which make up a high % of total weight; 3) Less recyclable material (office - paper shredding; retail - packaging from stores). Regional variables, such as incineration practices and markets for recyclables also impact and can offset occupancy use trends. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 30% diversion from landfill and incineration.
(2020) (Australia, Office)
Note: Diversion rates are impacted by the total waste weight and the % of diverted weight. Some trends that impacted diversion rates include: 1) Less weight overall; 2) Less organics and paper products, which make up a high % of total weight; 3) Less recyclable material (office - paper shredding; retail - packaging from stores). Regional variables, such as incineration practices and markets for recyclables also impact and can offset occupancy use trends. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 50% diversion from landfill & incineration.
(2020) (Europe, Office/Retail)
Note: Diversion rates are impacted by the total waste weight and the % of diverted weight. Some trends that impacted diversion rates include: 1) Less weight overall; 2) Less organics and paper products, which make up a high % of total weight; 3) Less recyclable material (office - paper shredding; retail - packaging from stores). Regional variables, such as incineration practices and markets for recyclables also impact and can offset occupancy use trends. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 60% diversion from landfill & incineration.
(2020) (Canada, Retail)
Note: Due to the pandemic and shopping centre closures, properties saw a decrease in overall waste generation while diversion rates remained unchanged year-over-year. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 55% diversion from landfill & incineration.
(2020) (Canada, Hotels)
Note: Diversion rates are impacted by the total waste weight and the % of diverted weight. Some trends that impacted diversion rates at the hotel assets include: 1) Less weight overall, 2) Less organics, construction, and furniture recycling, which make up a high % of total weight recycled. Efforts to address these impacts are reflected in asset level waste reduction plans.
Achieve 85% diversion from landfill for all New Construction projects.
(2022) (All Regions, Development)
Develop and implement asset level waste reduction plans.
(2021) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Develop and implement a program to divert organics from landfill where feasible.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Sustainable food courts
Develop and implement sustainable food court standards.
(2021) (Canada, Retail)
Water reduction
Achieve 10% reduction in potable water use by 2020.
(2015 base year) (Canada/US, All Asset Classes)
Pilot a permeable pavement solution to improve storm water management.
(2023) (Canada, Industrial/Retail)
Note: Target extended to align with new water strategy
Pilot smart water meters to improve the quality of water data and management practices.
(2023) (All Regions, Office)
Note: Target extended to align with new water strategy
Water reuse
Conduct rainwater capture systems feasibility studies on all major renovation and new development projects where appropriate to inform potential decision making.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Install metering on all existing rainwater capture systems and benchmark portfolio water re-use performance.
(2022) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Note: Target extended to align with new water strategy
Pilot grey water reuse in an existing building and share results.
(2023) (Canada/Europe, Retail/Industrial)
Note: Target extended to align with new water strategy
Environmental & health product declarations
Request LEED v4 compliant EPDs (environmental product declarations) and LEED v4 compliant HPDs (health product declarations) for construction materials on all major renovation and new development projects.
(Ongoing) (Canada/US, All Asset Classes)
Note: In accordance with Oxford's Restricted Materials List
Material sourcing
All Oxford major renovation and new development projects to follow LEED v4/BREEAM credit requirement for raw material sourcing, where appropriate.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Restricted materials
Develop a list of restricted materials to eliminate from Oxford major renovation and new development projects.
(2019) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Volunteer days
Support employees to engage in at least one dedicated volunteer day/year.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Community programming
Cultivate spaces for philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and artistic partnerships within our leasable and common areas.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, Office/Retail)
Real estate education leadership
Engage future generations on the benefits and values of the real estate industry through educational institutions and industry associations.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
National living wage
Pay at least the National Living Wage to all staff employed directly by Oxford and encourage Tier 1 supply chain to pay the same.
(2022) (UK, All Asset Classes)
Job creation
Develop and implement initiatives which actively support employability of disadvantaged people.
(Ongoing) (UK, All Asset Classes)
Green building certifications
LEED – Increase certified office space to 95%.
(2020) (Canada/US, Office)
Note: Annual target extended
BOMA Best – Achieve 100% certification.
(2020) (Canada, Retail)
Note: Annual target extended
Green Key – Achieve 100% certification.
(2020) (Canada, Hotels)
Note: Annual target extended
- Achieved
- In progress
- Ongoing
- Not achieved