Our commitment
We will engage our stakeholders, create outstanding buildings and places, and give back to our communities.
Volunteer days
Support employees to engage in at least one dedicated volunteer day/year.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Community programming
Cultivate spaces for philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and artistic partnerships within our leasable and common areas.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, Office/Retail)
Sponsorship & engagement
Engage in customer, partner, and community events/activities to promote Oxford’s brand and interests.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
Real estate education leadership
Engage future generations on the benefits and values of the real estate industry through educational institutions and industry associations.
(Ongoing) (All Regions, All Asset Classes)
National living wage
Pay at least the National Living Wage to all staff employed directly by Oxford and encourage Tier 1 supply chain to pay the same.
(Ongoing) (UK, All Asset Classes)
Job creation
Develop and implement initiatives which actively support employability of disadvantaged people.
(Ongoing) (UK, All Asset Classes)
Green building certification
LEED, BREEM, NABER and similar – Increase certified office space to 95%.
(2024) (AU/CA/EU/UK/US, Office)
BOMA Best – Achieve 100% certification.
(Ongoing) (Canada, Retail)
Green Key – Achieve 100% certification.
(Ongoing) (Canada, Hotels)
In progress
Not achieved