Materials & resources

Case studies

Materials & resources

Materials selection with carbon in mind

Oxford is committed to being a leader in the development of low-carbon buildings. A significant source of carbon emissions occurs during the development process through the building materials supply chain. Over the last two years Oxford’s platform business, Investa, has set out to reduce the carbon footprint of its capital improvement programs.

Investa has developed a carbon calculator tool to assist in the material selection process for fit-outs and upgrades. The tool provides designers and contractors with a carbon budget and materials database that shows the carbon emissions released through the extraction, manufacturing, and transportation of materials—referred to as embodied carbon. This tool allows for informed decisions to be made when selecting materials that help lower the building’s carbon footprint. In the last two years, Investa has tripled its materials database due to the increase in low carbon materials available in the market.

Examples of carbon savings achieved during capital works projects include:

  • 38% reduction in CO2-e by eliminating ceilings
  • 15% CO2-e savings using carbon neutral carpet
  • 8% CO2-e savings using low carbon ceiling tiles
  • 10% to 50% CO2-e reductions from the re-use of ceiling structures
  • 50% CO2-e reduction through extensive use of re-purposed structural steel

These savings can add up significantly. In one fit-out project alone, Investa found that the project achieved an overall carbon reduction of 38%. In addition, seven other capital upgrade projects exceeded the initial embodied carbon reduction target applied.

Oxford fit-outs and upgrades prioritize low-carbon materials
Oxford fit-outs and upgrades prioritize low-carbon materials
Oxford fit-outs and upgrades prioritize low-carbon materials