Materials & resources


Waste diversion (existing buildings)
(diversion rate of portfolio in %)
Table view
Waste diversion (development projects)
(301-2, 306-2)1
Table view
past projects
Materials use (development projects)
(301-2, 306-2)1
Table view
past projects
Water use
(303-3, CRE2)1
(intensity in m3/sq ft)
Table view
Oxford’s restricted materials list

We have made a commitment to critically evaluate the environmental and health aspects of the materials and resources we procure and use in our buildings. The goal of Oxford’s Restricted Materials List is to accelerate the use of healthy materials in our buildings. The list is as follows:

  1. Formaldehyde
  2. Antimicrobials
  3. Halogenated flame retardants
  4. Phthalates
  5. Highly fluorinated chemicals (pfcs or pfass)
  1. 1. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards


Sustainability performance data includes Oxford’s non-industrial directly-managed assets, third party-managed assets where Oxford holds a stake of 25% or greater, and Investa properties. Platform companies are otherwise excluded.