
Our Customers
Customer Sustainability Engagement
(# of interactions)

Customer Sustainability Engagement is defined as the purposeful interaction with customers regarding sustainability matters. These interactions are calculated based on encounters through lobby and special building events, as well as customer green team meetings. The number of interactions has been increasing annually as our green team and lobby events have spread across regions and asset classes.

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Our Oxford Team
Total Workforce
(as at December 31, 2018)
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Region Female Male Total
Canada 966 1,005 1,971
United States 40 93 133
Europe 26 28 54
Total Number of Employees by Status
(as at December 31, 2018)
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Type of employment status Female Male Total
Regular full-time 745 966 1,711
Regular part-time 161 103 264
Casual employment 0 0 0
Temporary employees 96 40 136
Percentage of Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements
(as at December 31, 2018)
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Asset type Percentage of employees
covered by collective bargaining agreements
Office 4%
Retail 70%
Residential 20%
US 7%
Accident Rate
(# of accidents per 100 employees)

Our annual health and safety continuous improvement plan focuses on accident reduction. Our employee population is growing and we regularly communicate with our leaders to ensure that accidents are avoided wherever possible and that all accidents are reported.

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Lost-Time Accident Rate
(# of lost-time accidents per 100 employees)

Safety practices aimed at preventing lost-time accidents include: offering modified duties, providing regular training, auditing work practices, and conducting “toolbox chats” to ensure appropriate handling of tools and equipment.

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Lost Day Rate
(# of lost days per 100 employees)

We encourage leaders to work closely with employees to ensure a timely return to work, using modified duties as appropriate.

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