
Accident Rate
(# of accidents per 100 employees)

Our annual health and safety continuous improvement plan focuses on accident reduction. Our employee population is growing and we regularly communicate with our leaders to ensure that accidents are avoided wherever possible and that all accidents are reported.

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Lost-Time Accident Rate
(# of lost-time accidents per 100 employees)

Safety practices aimed at preventing lost-time accidents include: offering modified duties, providing regular training, auditing work practices, and conducting “toolbox chats” to ensure appropriate handling of tools and equipment.

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Lost Day Rate
(# of lost days per 100 employees)

We encourage leaders to work closely with employees to ensure a timely return to work, using modified duties as appropriate.

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(% of buildings)

We conducted a wellbeing assessment across our global portfolio to track and benchmark our performance against 7 priority areas – (1) Air Quality, (2) Water Quality, (3) Nutrition & Hydration, (4) Individual Health, (5) Shared Space, (6) Lighting and (7) Biophilic Design.

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  1. 1. GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards